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24hr ticker



Fetches the 24-hour rolling window price change statistics.

  • If one symbol is sent, tickers for that symbol will be returned in an object.
  • If multiple symbols are sent, tickers for the symbols will be returned in an array.
  • If the symbol is not sent, the tickers for all symbols will be returned in an array.


Query Parameters

    Symbol string

    Trading symbol , e.g. XCBUSDT. (optional).

    • If the symbol is not sent, the tickers for all symbols will be returned in an array.
    Example: BTCETH
    Symbols string[]

    Trading symbols (optional)

    Example: [BTCUSDT, XCBETH]




  • Array [

  • symbol stringnullable

    Symbol of the trading pair (e.g., BTCUSDC).

    priceChange stringnullable

    The price change.

    priceChangePercent stringnullable

    The price change percentage.

    weightedAvgPrice stringnullable

    The weighted average price.

    prevClosePrice stringnullable

    The previous day's close price.

    lastPrice stringnullable

    The last price.

    lastQty stringnullable

    The last quantity.

    bidPrice stringnullable

    The highest bid price.

    bidQty stringnullable

    The quantity of the highest bid.

    askPrice stringnullable

    The lowest ask price.

    askQty stringnullable

    The quantity of the lowest ask.

    openPrice stringnullable

    The opening price.

    highPrice stringnullable

    The highest price in the past 24 hours.

    lowPrice stringnullable

    The lowest price in the past 24 hours.

    volume stringnullable

    The trading volume.

    quoteVolume stringnullable

    The quote volume.

    openTime int64

    The opening time of the 24-hour period.

    closeTime int64

    The closing time of the 24-hour period.

    firstId int64

    The first trade ID in the 24-hour period.

    lastId int64

    The last trade ID in the 24-hour period.

    count int32

    The number of trades in the 24-hour period.

  • ]
